Phone: 651-283-7216

End-of-Life Care

As pets age, their needs change and it can be challenging to assess their quality of life as time goes on. Our veterinarians can help you evaluate and understand your pet’s condition and level of comfort through a quality of life examination. There are many factors to consider when trying to determine if a pet is suffering, and as your veterinarian we can offer both experiential advice and objective medical knowledge to help you make decisions for your pet.

The most difficult decision as a pet owner is choosing when to say goodbye. House Paws offers in-home humane euthanasia so that your pet’s final moments are spent in a familiar and loving environment surrounded by family. Home euthanasia gives you, your family, and your pet the time to say goodbye to each other in a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere so that those last moments together can be treasured.

If a client wishes, we will provide them with a clay paw print stamped with their pet’s name as a small token in remembrance of their pet. We also offer cremation services and the option to have a pet’s individual ashes returned home.